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The Freedom Site

Being on the front lines in the war for freedom can be a full time job, but even if you only have a few minutes a day to spare, you can still help. Here are 5 simple steps you can take today to help spread the message on personal liberty.

1. Register to vote, and do it! Voting is your voice in the political process -- use it or lose it!

2. Monitor your local media! One of the most effective ways to put the facts before the people is to watch for any freedom-restricting articles, editorials or reports -- and respond! Postcards and letters to your local newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations carry weight and get results! And don't forget to write to your elected representatives, too!

3. Participate in radio & TV call-in programs! Many of these programs allow the general public to call in and express their views. Take advantage of these forums and make your voice heard!

4. Mobilize your club! Designate a portion of your meetings to discuss pending legislation. It can be as simple as setting aside a portion of your meetings to write letters to your lawmakers, or inviting your lawmakers to address one of your club meetings.

5. Spread the word! Make sure your community is aware of freedom-restricting legislation and encourage them to get involved! Take advantage of the natural allies in your own area: family and friends.

"You may think your actions are meaningless and that they won't help, but that is no excuse, you must still act."

--Mahatma Gandhi

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