While we sincerely hope that your experience with our applications is trouble-free, there may be times when you need some help. Here's what our customers have to say about our technical support:
"Thank you for a very prompt and detailed response, good to know it is a very well supported application." --Ron
"Thanks for your prompt reply to my 'crisis'...My guests tomorrow will thank you as well." --Carol
"Thanks for the quick turnaround reply (and using my own example in the screenshot was a slick touch)." --Justin
"Thank you...I'm even more impressed with you folks!" --Fred
"Thanks for your prompt response! I appreciate it." --Christina
"Thanks for responding so QUICKLY! I am impressed :-)" --Fay
"WOW! Every sentence responded to! (It's rare!)...I look forward to more of your work." --Fred
"Thanks so much for the prompt and personal reply. I appreciate it." --Tony
"Thank you for caring. I DO like your app!" --Monte
"Thank you, this answers my question perfectly. Many thanks." --Veronica
"Thanks for your prompt reply, it is a great programme..." --Paula
"Thank you for such an informative email." --Brenda
"Thank you for the quick response to my questions." --Dave
"Thank you so much for the help. It worked." --Jackie
"All up and running perfectly. Thank you for your help" --Veronica
"I really appreciate your assistance." --Christina
"Thanks...Impressive response time!" --Axel
Customer Feedback
We're particularly proud of some of the things are customers have to say about our products:
"I tried out a half dozen programs and decided that I like the combination of features in Recipe Box the best. Thanks for a great program." --Chet
"Just a quick note to say this is the best recipe program I have ever used. I bought it about a year ago and unknowingly discovered a bug that you included a fix for in a later release. This latest edition is excellent as well and I look forward to using your program for many years." --Steve
"I love the app!" --Adyna
"I really like how pleasing the recipes look after they are entered." --Fay
"[Name Munger] is exactly what I've recently needed to rename batches of photo and video files." --Bob
"Name Munger [has] been an invaluable program, as I have to rename dozens of files every week with lower case and no spaces." --Dan, Low End Mac
"Very happy with your updates and Name munger Product. I recommend it whenever I can." --Jay
"...this tool is one of the most helpful in the last years..." --John
"I'm a very satisfied user of your program. I am an old Mangia user and I appreciate your program very much." --Chet
"Thanks for this great utility." --Mark
"I really like your software." --Michael
"Timer is amazing. I want to give you some money for it." --Mark
"It's a thing of beauty, thank you." --Colleen
"Thanks for Timer! It is a great timer app!" --Clemens
"I REALLY like your app...It's so handy, and the built-in alarm sounds had me chuckling out loud." --Monte
"Thanks...for your battery monitor." --Alan
"Thanks for Timer! The alarm sound selection is great." --Fred
"Thanks much for a very useful timer! I've tried many different timers and yours is the first I've found that does what I want with a simple interface." --Dan